ACEMP promotes constructive engagement and dialogue between mining companies, local governments and host communities in mineral-rich lands to ensure that mineral development projects respect the rights of communities and neither cause nor escalate conflicts, particularly over communal land.
We concentrate our actions at the community and local government level, because we perceive that as the action arena where the communities stand to either gain from mineral exploitation or lose out and risk having mining operations disrupt their livelihoods.
We therefore empower communities in mineral rich areas to know and claim their rights as indigenous bonafide occupants of communal mineral-rich lands, prevent or reverse any disturbances to their way of life, negotiate just and fair terms where mining projects are deemed fit to proceed and ultimately support agro-pastoralism to reduce food insecurity. We specifically ensure that mining projects are executed with the full participation of local communities after free, prior and informed consultations have been undertaken and after the acquisition of the social license to operate by the mining companies.